- Proclamation no. 954 Technical and Vocational Education and Training
- proclamation no. 861 Higher Education
- Higher Education Proclamation no. 650/2009
- Convention For the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Ratification Proclamation no. 484/2006
- Technical and Vocational Education and Training Proclamation no. 391/2004
- Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property Ratification Proclamation no. 374/2003
- Higher Education Proclamation no. 351/2003 Repealed by Proclamation no. 650/2009
- Strengthening of the Management and Administration of Schools (Amendment) Proclamation No. 217/2000
- Ethiopian. National Archives and Library Proclamation no. 179/1999
- Management and Administration
of Schools Proclamation No. 260/1984 - Regulation
- Higer Education Cost-sharing Council of Ministers Regulation no. 91/2003
- Film Shooting Permit Council of Ministers no. 66/2000