Volume 15
- 89276 criminal law/ breach of trust/ loan
- 42501 civil procedure/cause of action/ law of property/ ownership/ title deed/ res judicata
- 72980 civil procedure/ power of court/ appeal
- 75877 civil societies/ solicitation of foreign fund/
- 77983 civil procedure/ evidence law/ relevant evidence/
- 78180 Insurance/ formation of contract
- 78206 civil procedure/ execution of judgment/ foreign judgment
- 78470 criminal law/ extracontractual liability/ effect of civil liability on criminal liability
- 79189 tax law/ capital gain tax/ transfer of ownership title
- 79389 criminal law/ period of limitation/
- 79476 labor dispute/ salary/ part time/ calculation of period of limitation
- 79561 commerical law/ lease of business/ sub lease
- 79794 contract law/ non performance of contract/ damage assessment/
- 79871 civil procedure/ interested party/ opposition/ law of succession/ certificate of inheritance
- 80119 criminal law/ usury/ interest rate
- 80202 civil procedure/ constitution/ right to access to justice/ justiceable matter
- 80241 property law/ possessory action/ contract of rent
- 80301 public service/ arbitration/ crimial liability
- 80343 labor dispute/ occupational accident/ extra contractual liability/ civil procedure/ res judicata
- 80920 succession law/ donation/ will/ collation
- 81023 property law/ administrative law/ title deed
- 81163 contract law/ rent/ renewal of contract of rent
- 81178 criminal law/ criminal procedure/ charge/ criminal act/ elements of crime/
- 81275 civil procedure/ consolidation of suits
- 81814 labor dispute/ contract of employment
- 81934 Civil procedure/ jurisdiction/ commerical law/ business registation/
- 82061 tax law/ Value added tax (VAT)/ registration for VAT
- 82091 labor dispute/ termination of contract of employment/ absence from work/ duty to assign job
- 82154 extracontractual liability law/ vicarious liability/ vicarious liability of employer
- 82234 civil procedure/ law of property/ sale of immovables/ cause of action/ transfer of title of ownership
- 82503 commerical law/ private limited company/ dividend
- 82585 succession law/ will/ invalidation of will/ period of limitation
- 82670 contract law/ rent/ government owned houses/ renting to third party
- 82679 civil procedure/ declatory judgment/ family law/ marriage
- 83007 law of succession/ contract law/ surety/ execution of judgment/ civil procedure
- 83060 property law/ sale of immovble property/ agency/ unauthorized agency
- 83169 civil procedure/ jurisdiction/ counter claim/ splitting of claim
- 83489 commerical law
- 83582 civil procedure/ compromise agreement/ opposition by third party
- 83665 property law/ law of succession/ liquidation of property/ ownership
- 83674 contract law/ rent/ renewal of contract of rent
- 83771 civil procedure/ injunction/ cash in bank/ interest
- 83915 civil procedure/pleading/ statement of claim/ form of statement of claim/ power of court/
- 84330 contract law/ evidence law/ proof of contract/ parole rule of evidence
- 84446 civil procedure/ res judicata/ execution of judgment
- 84623 tax law/ criminal law/ criminal liability/ civil liability/ default of payment of tax
- 84661 labor dispute/ scope of application of labor proclamation/ manager/ work rules
- 85009 commerical law/ property law/ cooperative society/ joint ownership
- 85102 civil procedure/ law of sucession/ will/ res judicata/ power of appellate court
- 85237 criminal law/ double jeopardy/ constitution
- 85468 civil procedure/ evidence law/ time to present documentary evidence
- 85596 criminal law/ suspension of penalty
- 85718 civil procedure/ jurisidiction/ validity of judgment
- 85764 civil procedure/ execution of judgment/ jurisdiction
- 85873 civil procedure/ compromise agreement/ out of court compromise
- 85979 property law/ religious institution/ ownership of graveyard/ constitution
- 86049 property law/ civil procedure/ jurisdiction/ relief requested/ ownership/ expropriation
- 86133 civil procedure/ excution of judgment/ investigation of claims to attached property
- 86187 contract law/ evidence law/ denial of signature/ error of law
- 86284 labor dispute/ termination of contract of employment/ damage to employee's property/
- 86388 commerical law/ criminal law/ business license/ criminal liability
- 86454 civil procedure/ counter claim/ court fee
- 86510 civil procedure/ statement of claim/ relief sought/ powe of court
- 86551 civil procedure/ dispute as to the amount of claim/ relief sought after
- 86570 criminal law/ legitimate self defence
- 86597 tax law/ criminal law/ Value added tax (VAT)/ vicarious liability of owner or manager/
- 86672 tax law/ criminal law/ Value added tax (VAT)/ criminal liability
- 86813 contract law/ contract of surety/ employment contract/
- 86817 Civil procedure/ jurisdiction/ tax law/ tax exemption/ tour and travel
- 86845 criminal law/ breach of trust/ corruption
- 86847 contract law/ contract of rent/ sub letting/ right of the lessor
- 87190 civil procedure/ appeal procedure/ time for appeal
- 87285 labor dispute/ absence with leave/ sick leave
- 87338 labor dispute/ duration of contract of employment/ benefits of worker
- 87420 Family law/ name/ family name/ change of name
- 87834 civil procedure/ compromise agreement/ effect of compromise on third parties
- 88060 privatization/ commercial law/ administrative law
- 88084 property law/ ownership/ sale of immovables/ title deed of immovable property/ constitution
- 88432 extracontractual liability law/ strict liability/
- 88798 property law/ possessory action/ contract of rent/ government houses/
- 88867 civil procedure/ execution of judgment/ priority of creditors
- 88959 administrative law/ addis ababa city/ land law/ possessory action
- 89088 civil procedure/ execution of judgment/ public auction/ second auction
- 89494 civil procedure/ evidence law/ documentary evidence
- 89504 extracontractual liability law/ insurance/ indemnity/ subrogation
- 89530 Civil procedure/ jurisdiction/ labor law dispute/ social courts
- 89640 tax law/ custom law/ extra contractual liability/ assessment of damage
- 89641 succession law/ partition of property/ liquidation of property/ petitio heriditatis/
- 89893 civil procedure/ interlocutory order/ apeal procedure/
- 90089 criminal law/ bodily injury/ pregnant woman/ death of fetus/ homicide
- 90298 civil procedure/ cassation procedure/ power of court
- 90389 labor dispute/ termination of contract of employment/ breach of responsibility by worker
- 90452 civil procedure/ ex parte judgment/ setting aside exparte judgment
- 90543 civil procedure/law of succession/ res judicata
- 90737 Civil procedure/ jurisdiction/ cooperative societies/ arbitration
- 90793 insurance/ formation of contract/ object of contract/ scope of liability of insurer
- 90862 contract law/ antichresis/ mortage/ unlawful enrichment/ reinstatement
- 90920 Civil procedure/ jurisdiction/ federal court/ intervention/ consti
- 91103 civil procedure/ cost of litigation/ reimbursement
- 91535 criminal law/ unlawful act/ elements of crime/
- 91710 extracontractual liability law/ photograph/ compensation
- 91968 civil procedure/ Review of judgment/ falsified documents
- 92020 extracontractual liability law/ contract of carriage/ accident/ liability/ constitution/ children
- 92459 civil procedure/ contempt of court
- 92466 labor dispute/ scope of application of labor proclamation/ manager
- 92546 administrative law/ prosecutor
- 93137 civil procedure/ review of judgment/ procedure in review of judegment
- 93173 criminal law/ illegal arm possession
- 93741 criminal law/ negligence/ conditions for negligence
- 93779 Family law/ divorce/ religious court/ sharia/ res judicata
- 95995 Family law/ civil procedure/ cause of action/ change of name/ father name