19081 contract law/ plurality of debtors or creditors/ joint and several liability/ defense of parties/ period of limitation contract law period of limitation volume 4 plurality of debtors and creditors joint and several liability Federal supreme court of Ethiopia cassation decisions ባልተነጣጠለ ኃላፊነት የተገናኙ ተከሳሾች በአንድ ላይ በተከሰሱ ጊዜ አንዱ ተከሳሽ የሚያነሳውን የይርጋ መቃወሚያ በሌሎች ላይ ስላለው ውጤት የፍ/ብ/ህ/ቁ. 167719ዐ1 Cassation 19081