- Proclamation No.1251/2013 Single Audit Proclamation
- Proclamation no. 982 The amendment of Proclamation to the Federal Auditor General re-establishment
- proclamation no. 847 Financial Reporting
- proclamation no. 669 Office of the Federal Auditor General Establishment (Amendment) Proclamation
- Proclamation no. 68 Office of the Federal Auditor General Establishment
Directives (external links) Usually link may fail but refreshing multiple time can work
204 የታክስ ወኪልነት ፈቃድ አሰጣጥን ለመወሰን የወጣ መመሪያ ቁጥር 204-2013 Download (363k)
804 Criteria for Identifying Reporting Entities and Registration Directive No. 804.2013 Download (2.1MB)
804 የሪፖርት አቅራቢ አካላት መለያ መስፈርት እና ምዝገባ መመሪያ ቁጥር 804.2013.pdf Download (3.2MB)
805 Licenses for Accounting and Auditing Professionals and Registration of Professional Accountancy Body Directive No. 805.2013 Download (5.5MB)
805 የሒሳብ እና ኦዲት ባለሙያዎች ፈቃድ አሰጣጥ እና የሒሳብ ባለሙያ ማኅበራት ምዝገባ መመሪያ ቁጥር 805.2013 Download (8.1MB)