- Proclamation no. 1180 Investment Proclamation
- The New Investment Regulation
- proclamation no. 849 Investment (amendment)
- Investment Proclamation no. 769/2012
- Investment Promotion and Reciprocal Protection Agreement with the Kingdom of Sweden Ratification Proclamation 461/2005
- Investment (Amendment) Proclamation no. 375/2003
- Investment Proclamation no. 280/2002 Repealed by proclamation no. 769/2012
- Investment (Amendment) Proclamation No. 168/1999
- Investment (Amendment)
Proclamation No. 116/1998 - Investment Proclamation No. 37/1996 Repealed by Proclamation no. 280/2003
- Investment Incentives and Investment Areas Reserved for Domestic Investors (Amendment) Regulation 146/2008
- Council of Ministers Regulations on Investment incentives and Investment Areas Reserved for Domestic Investors no. 84/2003
- Investment Incentives Council of Ministers (Amendment) Regulation 36/1998
- Investment Areas Reserved for Domestic Investors Council of Ministers Regulations No. 35/1998
- Investment Incentives (Amendment) Council of Ministers Regulations No. 9/1996
- Importation of Machinery and Goods on Franco Valuta Basis Council Regulations 8/1996
- Investment Incentives Council of Ministers Regulations 7/1996