Directives on Banking (external link)
SBB/85/2022 Licensing, Credit Information and Examination Fees on Banks
SBB/84/2022 Reserve Requirement -8th- Replacement
SBB/83/2022 Requirements for Information Technology (IT) Management of Banks
SBB-82-2021(First Replacement)Licensing and Supervision of Banking Business Directive for Foreign Currency Intermediation By Bank
SBB-81-2021 Investment on DBE Bonds
SBB-78-2021Minimum Capital Requirement For Banks)
SBB-79-2021 Requirements for Persons with Significant Influence in a Bank(2nd Replacement)
SBB-76-2021 Risk-Based Internal Audit
SBB-75-2021 Management of Unclaimed Liabilities of a Bank
SBB-74-2020 Requirements for Relicensing a Microfinance Institution as a Bank
SBB-73-2020 Manner of Equity Investment by Foreign Nationals of Ethiopian Origin in banks.pdf
SBB/71/2019 Bank Corporate Governance
SBB/72/2019 Licensing and Authorization of Interest Free Banking Business
SBB/69/2018 Asset Classification and Provisioning
SBB/67/2018 Limit on Board Remuneration and Number of Employees Who sit on a Bank Board
SBB/66/2018 Third Amendment of Branch Opening
SBB/64/2016 Cheque Account Operation
SBB/9/95 Computation of Risk Weighted Asset
SBB/10/95 Limitation on Accommodation
SBB/19/96 Approval of Appointments of an Independent Auditor
SBB/21/96 Manner of Reporting Financial Information
SBB/27/01 Amendment of limitation on Open Foreign Currency Position of Banks
SBB/35/04 Amendment of Penalty for Non-Compliance with the Directives of National Bank of Ethiopia
SBB/47/10 Time Limit for Reduction and/or Relinquishing Shareholdings
SBB/52/12 Asset Classification and Provisioning for Development for Finance Institutions
SBB/53/12 Credit Exposure to single and related Counter parties
SBB/56/13 Requirements for Licensing and Renewal of Banking Business
SBB/57/14 Liquidity Requirement (5th Replacement)
SBB/65/2017 Limitations on Investment of Banks (as Amended)
SBB/61/2015 Monitoring the Nationality of Shareholders of a Bank
SBB-80-2021Reserve Requirement(7th Replacement)
SBB/68/2018 Licensing and Supervision of Banking Business
Foriegn Currency Intermediation by Banks
SBB/70/19 Requirements for Persons with Significant Influence in a Bank
SBB/58/14 Second Amendment of Branch Opening
SBB/55/13 Reserve Requirement(6th Replacement)
SBB/54/12 Requirements for persons with Significant Influence in a Bank
SBB/50/11 Minimum Capital requirement for Banks
SBB/51/11 Directives to Authorize the Business of Interest Free Banking
SBB/49/11 Limits on Board Remuneration and Number of Employees Who Sit on a Bank Board
SBB/43/08 Asset Classification and Provisioning(4th Replacement)
SBB/31/02 Proper Operation of Current Account and Cheque